Sunday, April 4, 2010

#94 assonance

assonance- the use of the same vowel sound with different consonants or the same consonant with different vowels in successive words or stressed syllables, as in a line of verse

-C18 from French, Latin assonare to sound; assonant (adj.),

The setting sun was licking the hard bright machine like some great invisible beast on its knees. ~ John Hawkes

I must confess that in my quest I felt depressed and restless.

Companion site: quoteflections- a regular, eclectic mind fix

Tags: word of the day, best words, etymology, spelling, vital, useful, expressive, emotional, strategic, onomatopoeic, connotation, how to, English usage, language, learning, mnemonic devices, vocabulary, quoteflections, quotation, quotes