Friday, April 23, 2010

#113 bagatelle

bagatelle- something of little value or significance; trifle; a short light piece of music

- C17 from French, Italian bagatta- a little possession

"The greatest mystery in this baseball bagatelle is its title, and the mystery isn't solved until the last page, when Honig explains that many countries have four seasons but only America has a fifth, the baseball season, "a timeless time that arches over the full calendar, evoking and embracing hope and optimism, action and excitement, fantasy and reality, memory and reminiscence. ''

Companion site: quoteflections- a regular, eclectic mind fix

Tags: word of the day, best words, etymology, spelling, vital, useful, expressive, emotional, strategic, onomatopoeic, connotation, how to, English usage, language, learning, mnemonic devices, vocabulary, quoteflections, quotation, quotes