Wednesday, March 16, 2011

#440 ethereal

ethereal- extremely delicate or refined; exquisite; almost as light as air; impalpable; airy; celestial or spiritual; dissolved in an ether

C16 from Latin aethereus, from Greek aitherios, from aither ether

Their motion through the bushes often disturbed clouds of yellow butterflies, which had been hanging on the fringes of the tall purple asters, and which rose toying with each other, and fluttering in ethereal dances against the blue sky, looking like whirls and eddies of air-flowers.

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Tags: word of the day, best words, etymology, spelling, vital, useful, expressive, emotional, strategic, onomatopoeic, connotation, how to, English usage, language, learning, mnemonic devices, vocabulary, quoteflections, quotation, quotes