Wednesday, June 16, 2010

#167 boule

boule- the parliament in modern Greece; the senate of an ancient Greek city state

- from Greek boule- senate

In Greek antiquity, a legislative council, originally aristocratic, consisting of the heads of the citizen families, sitting under the presidency of the king. Later, in Ionian states, where a democratic polity had prevailed, the boule, particularly at Athens, became a second or higher popular assembly, corresponding to the senate in modern governments. At Athens the boule consisted of 500 citizens over 30 years of age, chosen annually by lot. 50 from each tribe. It had charge of the official religious rites important in the ancient world, and its chief legislative duties were to examine or prepare bills for presentation to the popular assembly (the real governing body), which could modify or reject the conclusions reached by the senate, and to advise the assembly regarding affairs of state. The Athenian boule had also some executive functions, especially in connection with the management of the navy and the cavalry.