Monday, January 31, 2011

#396 elan

elan- a combination of style and vigour

C19 from French, elancer to throw forth, ultimately from Latin lancea lance

He performed the concerto with elan.

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

#395 ego

ego- the self of an individual person; the conscious subject; psychoanalysis the conscious mind, based on perception of the environment from birth onwards

- C19 from Latin I

egocentric, egocentrism, ego ideal, egoist, egomania, egotism, egotist

I think his ego is as hardened as his arteries and his hearing.

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Saturday, January 29, 2011

#394 effrontery

effrontery- shameless or insolent boldness; impudent presumption; audacity; temerity

C18 from French effronterie, from Old French esfront barefaced, shameless, from Late Latin effrons, literally putting forth one's forehead

His presence is an effrontery to those who came resolved to bring change.

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Friday, January 28, 2011

#393 effluent

effluent- liquid discharged as waste, as from an industrial plant or sewage works; aradioactive waste released from a nuclear power station; something that flows out or forth

C18 from Latin effluere to run forth, from fluere to flow

There are many unknowns, including the raw materials themselves, and zero-gravity smelting, and recycling of effluent gases such as carbon dioxide.

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Thursday, January 27, 2011

#392 effigy

effigy- a portrait of a person, especially as a monument or architectural decoration; a crede representation of someone, used as a focus for contempt or ridicule and often hung up or burnt in public

C18 from Latin effigies from effingere to form, portray, from fingere to shape

To burn a puppet in effigy is an extreme political statement and violent act.

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

#391 efficacious

efficacious- capable of or successful in producing an intended result; effective as a means, remedy

C16 from Latin efficax powerful, efficient, from efficere to achieve

The term “apotropaic” is a broad term referring to something intended to ward off evil, whereas the word “magic” in this case, simply refers to any ritualized behavior believed by its practitioners to be efficacious, that is, effective.

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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

#390 effete

effete- weak, ineffectual, or decadent as a result of overrefinement: an effete academic; exhausted of vitality or strength; worn out; spent; of animals or plants no longer capable of reproduction

C17 from Latin effetus having produced young, hence, exhausted by bearing, from fetus having brought forth

Many karate styles emphasize competition over the so-called effete “dancing."

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Monday, January 24, 2011

#389 effervesce

effervesce verb- to give off bubbles of gas; to exhibit great excitement, vivacity

C18 from Latin effervescere to foam up, from fervere to boil, ferment


And yet, as every TV executive knows to his everlasting regret, it's not so simple as just sending out a junior casting suit for a little browsing and sluicing through a cattle call, to round up a herd of people who, when confronted by a lens, began to effervesce to an extraordinary extent.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

#388 effect

effect- something that is produced by a cause or agent; result; power or ability to influence or produce a result; take effect, to become operative

C14 from Latin effectus a performing, tendency, from efficere to accomplish, from facere to do

The law comes into effect at midnight. The effect of the painting is nostalgia. The loss of power effected the manufacturing sector in particular.

As opposed to affect- to act upon or influence especially in an adverse way; to move or disturb emotionally or mentally

Her death affected him greatly.

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Saturday, January 22, 2011

#387 edelweiss

edelweiss- a small alpine flowering plant with white woolly oblong leaves and a tuft of attractive floral leaves surrounding the flowers

C19 German, literally noble white

The word has been immortalized with the song 'Edelweiss' in Sound of Music.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

#386 ecstasy

ecstasy- (got the spelling?) a state of exalted delight, joy, rapture; intense emotion of any kind; an ecstasy of rage; ecstatic adj.

C14 from Old French extasie, via Medieval Latin from Greek ekstasis displacement, trance

Two hearts floated in ecstasy with their starry gaze.

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

#385 ecology

ecology- the study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment; the set of relationships of a particular organism with its environment

C19 from German Okologie, from Greek oikos house (hence environment)

(Interesting word etymology once again.)

A study of ecology can allow one to gain appreciation for the preservation of the environment.

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

#384 eclectic

eclectic- selecting what seems best from various styles, doctrines, ideas, methods; composed of elements drawn from a variety of sources, styles; a person who favours an eclectic approach especially in art or philosophy

C17 from Greek eklektikos, from eklegein to select, from legein to gather

The art dealer took an eclectic approach in his selection of artifacts.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

#383 echelon

echelon- a level of command, responsibility

C18 from French echelon literally: rung of a ladder from Old French eschiele ladder, from Latin scala

The grand parties of the twenties only roared for a certain echelon of society, and there was a whole segment that was virtually untouched by the depression.

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Monday, January 17, 2011

#382 ecclesia

ecclesia- a congregation; the assembly of citizens of an ancient Greek state

- C16 from Medieval Latin, from Greek ekklesia assembly, from kalein to call

ecclesiastical relating to Christian church

The Greeks used the word as a political assembly of citizens.

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Sunday, January 16, 2011

#381 eccentric

eccentric- deviating or departing from convention, especially in a bizarre manner; irregular or odd; not having a common centre: eccentric circles as opposed to concentric circles

- C16 from Medieval Latin eccentricus, from Greek ekkentros out of centre

The eccentric is forced, therefore, to tread a lonely way.

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

#380 ebullient

ebullient- overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement; exuberant; boiling

C16 from Latin ebullire to bubble forth, be boisterous, from bulliere to boil

ebullience, ebulliently

I called the ebullient Mr. Posner and asked him for advice for the business owner struggling to build a great online reputation.

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Friday, January 14, 2011

#379 ebony

ebony- a tropical tree of India with dark wood, olive tinge

C16 hebeny, from Late Latin ebeninus from Greek ebeninos, from ebenos of Egyptian origin

The ebony cane had a distinctive finish to reveal its olive undertones.

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

#378 east

east- I included this word for its extensive word etymology

Old English east; related to Old High German ostar to the east, Old Norse austr, Latin aurora dawn, Greek eos, Sanskrit usas dawn, morning

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

#377 dys- dystopia

dys- prefix- diseased, abnormal, faulty; difficult or painful

Latin from Greek dus

many dys words: dyslexia, dysfunction, dystopia- an imaginary place where everything is as bad as it can be

C19 coined by J. S. Mill from dys + utopia

While the father can still remember pieces of a time before everything turned gray and lifeless, this dystopia is all the son has ever known.

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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

#376 duplicity

duplicity- deception; double-dealing

C15 from Old French duplicite, from Late Latin duplicitas - being double

adj.- duplicitous

In some circles that type of duplicity is called, hypocrisy.

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Monday, January 10, 2011

#375 dungeon

dungeon- a close prison cell, often underground

C14 from Old French donjon; related to Latin dominus master

Dungeons often find their way in elaborate video games of intrigue.

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

#374 dungaree

dungaree- a coarse cotton fabric used chiefly for work clothes; workman's overalls; a child's play suit; trousers

C17 from Hindi dungri after Dungri district of Bombay, where this fabric originated

By what right did this ragged beachcomber, in dungaree trousers and a cotton shirt, suggest such a thing as peace and content to him and his overwrought, exhausted soul?

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

#373 dulcet

dulcet- soothing or pleasant; sweet

C14 from Latin dulcis sweet

dulciana- a sweet-toned organ stop

dulcinea- a man's sweetheart

C18 from the name of Don Quixote's mistress Dulcinea del Toboso in Cervantes' novel; from Spanish dulce sweet

She will be lending her 'dulcet' tones to the new animated feature.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

#372 dubbin

dubbin- a greasy mixture of tallow and oil applied to leather to soften it and make it waterproof

C18 from dub to dress leather- British

Your tent boy will grease these every day with "dubbin," of which you want a good supply.

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Thursday, January 6, 2011

#371 dryad

dryad- Greek myth; a nymph or divinity of the woods

C14 from Latin Dryas, from Greek Druas, from drus tree

There came a score of exquisite women in all the glory of their youth, of perfect physical beauty and splendid strength and fullness of life; and the wonder was not their beauty more than a kind of dryad delicacy of that beauty, which was yet not frailty but a look of angelic strength.

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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

#370 druid

druid- a member of an ancient order of priests in Gaul, Britain, and Ireland in the pre-Christian era

-Old Irish druid- wizards

Celebrate Yule instead or dance around in druid robes for the solstice.

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

#369 drub

drub- to beat as with a stick, cudgel, or club; to defeat utterly as in a contest

- C17 probably from Arabic daraba to beat; drubber

The master drubbed Latin into the boys.

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Monday, January 3, 2011

#368 dross

dross- the scum formed, usually by oxidation, on the surfaces of molten metals; worthless matter; waste

-Old English dros related to Old High German truosana

drossy adj;

The challenge then is to separate the dross from the gold and refine what remains.

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Sunday, January 2, 2011

#367 droll

droll- amusing in a quaint or odd manner; comical

C17 from French drole scamp

The novel went on and on about the droll rivalry between the hero and his old school friend.

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Saturday, January 1, 2011

#366 dree

dree- verb- to endure, bear

-Old English dreogan; related to Old Norse drygja to perpetrate

The hurts and harms I dree are from the arrows of her eye.

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